Marching Band
Beginning Band Recruitment concert – during the school day Monday, May 9th
Marching Percussion auditions May 11th after school
Wednesday, May 11th Spring Fundraiser pick up
Thursday, May 12th High School Band Awards
Monday, May 16th Beginning Band (current 4thgoing to 5th grade) Parent information meeting
- Paperwork and/or online registration due on Monday, May 2nd
- Marching Band Parent meeting on Monday, May 2nd at 6:00pm
- Marching band first payment due Monday, May 16
- In need of pop and dessert donations!! If you don’t want to send your student with pop to school you can also make a small monetary donation to help purchase pop.
- Please come out to support the Jazz Band
- Dress = dress up and look nice – no jeans LOOK NICE; DRESS UP!!
- Normal concert dress
- Information meeting for parents in the band room at 12:00pm – Get updates on the Band, Boosters, and your student. Stay informed and learn how you can help. All parents welcome!! We will meet in the band room.
- Call time for Jr. High 12pm in the High School Gym
- Call time for High School 11:30am in the High School Gym
- Performance starts a 1pm and will conclude around 2pm
- We will be electing officers. Please reply with any nominations! Everyone is welcome
- Past and Current officers please fill out attached officer description form.
- Officer descriptions:
- Booster President – over sees the boosters and makes sure each officer is on top of their duties. Prepares the monthly agenda and runs the meetings.
- Vice President – is the head of the fundraising committees and helps to delegate all fundraising responsibilities. Runs the meeting in the absence of the president.
- Treasurer – keeps track of expenses for the Band, Choir and Alumni Band
- Secretary – makes notes at the meetings and compiles the reports into the minutes.
- Members at Large(3 positions)– serve as members of various committees including, pasta dinner, jazz coffee house, fundraising, etc.
Beginning Band Recruitment concert – during the school day Monday, May 9th
Marching Percussion auditions May 11th after school
Wednesday, May 11th Spring Fundraiser pick up
- Items will be delivered to students during the school day and must be delivered to customers ASAP
Thursday, May 12th High School Band Awards
- Call time 6pm
- Dress = dress up and look nice – no jeans LOOK NICE; DRESS UP!!
Monday, May 16th Beginning Band (current 4thgoing to 5th grade) Parent information meeting
- In the High School Cafeteria
- Parents can get all rental information and students can try the instruments to see what works best for them.
- Call time 6pm
- Dress = dress up and look nice – no jeans LOOK NICE; DRESS UP!!
- In the High School Auditorium
- Call time 5:30
- Dress = dress up and look nice – no jeans LOOK NICE; DRESS UP!!
- Dress = dress up and look nice – no jeans LOOK NICE; DRESS UP!!
- Call time TBA – Morning/early afternoon
- This is the exam grade for Concert and Symphonic Band – if you have an excused absence (see syllabus for details) then you must request an alternate exam ASAP.
- Call time 12:30 at the HS band room